Good Afternnon
Hey all, just another one of those more "typical" Yarmouth days where it is overcast and looks as though it's gonna rain on us at anytime...on an up note it's a heck of a lot cooler out than it was yesterday. spent the night at Mom and Dad's...I love being able to spend time over there with them and the perks hmmm let's see, oh yes no kids and I actually sleep better*S*.
Supposed to go to the movies I am not sure what is going on as the friend I was supposed to go with sent me an e-mail saying something about going to work, and it's supposed to be his day off..such is life I guess..I still have competition tonight though..there are three people who need to go tonight in order to qualify and ifthey don't show up it leaves it between me and one other person, who happens to be a friend of mine..well least it betters my chances of a prize right.....who knows might go watch the movie before pool tommorow way or another I will be seeing that movie. Anyway, take care all and will be talking to you again as soon as I get the cahnce to get back online.... Hope you all like the Happy Bunny pictures...these ones are definately more me.*S*