Monday, October 30, 2006

Scattered Flurries

That's right scattered was spitting snow off and on all day..nothing that really stuck anywhere but still enough to make me want to hide under a blanket...Pat dropped me off at work this morning and went to the MIR and is now on bed rest for two days due to the stomache flu..why go get checked out just for the flu...well he got out of having to sit in the gas yes he is happy to be sick and he is actually listening and is in bed right now...I'll make him some soup for supper.
As for work...well from between 2 and 3 me and one of the other girls were out front bhy ourselves with no supervisor..this girl is the reason I started work a half hour early on Thursday...
All she wants to do is socialize..I was trying to do a mop and we got a bit busy..she is the one who swept the floor so the mop could be done..I had to friggin' keep picking garbage up off of the floor just so I could mop..and then it kept gettting delayed of the women who does supervise out front form time to time was in the kitchen working today and asked me how the tension was building out front..I responded by slamming mhy head into the counter around one of the sinks(poor counter)..she laughed her head off...awhile later I came back into the kitchen and looked at her and said, "It's a ghood thing I am really easy going."
Her reply was, "?Oh, Please, don't be..I'll pay you not to be...Here take some Onions.."
Ii told her the only way I would take the onions was if I was allowed to put them in the other girls eyes to which she told me she would love to see...
It really is a good thing that aI am easy going, seriously...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Can You Hear Me Now?

Life gets interesting when there is no interac, internet,pay phones, cell phones ar even home phones. The Telus network went down yesterday afternoon and they finally got it back up early this afternoon....I was supposed to work today..but I overdid it yeseterday and my knee cap popped again this really doesn't feel that bad right now and I will be going to work in the morning...I will be glad once I get my brace....It will help.
Oh and there was snow on the ground this mornign when I got up. Wherre we had no phone service Pat drove to work to let them know I wouldn't be there...
Lots of Love to you all.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm Lucky

Alright this is not going to be usual the title says though, I am Lucky.
Yesterday I worked the nght shift...I ended up stating half an hour early when I notiiced that the other girl working with my supervisor wasn't actually working but socializing, to the extent that she actually went outside of the store...Now working there isn't a one person I put on my uniform shirt and washed up my hands and started...I am lucky that my supervisor was appreciative.
Next, I managed to do shoots last night when we got extremely busy and didn't mess up...Lucky once again...also showed the other two girls working with us how to do a couple of things in the packing area(shoots) that they didn't know and how to do a couple of things with tthe orders that they were having trouble with on the register...I am Lucky that I could do this for them..even helped one i n dive Thru.
Managed to take a few orders in Drive-Thru myself and packed them without messing up which is a bonus...
Then my knee went out...I was very Lucky....I was at the end of the counter where we clean trays...I was lucky and managed to grab onto the counter before I landed....I was brought a chair, and managed to get to a seated position with some difficulty...Lucky..called Pat about ten minutes later...he had fallen asleep and hadn't gotten to the mess dinner he was supposed to be playing at...very lucky because the band didn't get out of there until 11pm...
Call it being stubbourne or determined..but while I was sitting there waiting and trying not to cry..I kept taking orders.....Lucky again because by the time Pat got there and got my knee back enough that he could help me out and into the truck...I managed to finish y shift..
But the real reason I am lucky is this...
Last night when my knee went out..I was able to see just how lucky I am o be working with the people that I was working with...Tenielle is a great person and a good superisor, even though at times she gets really frustrated and doesn't see that she is doing a good job...I have been lucky to have been able to get to know her and to be able to say that she and I have become friends..One night we didn't leeave the store until almost 12:45am, because she and I sat there talking after we were done workign and everyone else had gone home, we've gone shopping togetherm and for coffee...I can talk with her, and she knows she can talk to me...Well Last night when it happened...She was truly concerned, and when Pat put my knee back she was just about in tears herself...
Jamie is a cook in the kitchen, he remind me alot of Burt, I've treated him the way I want to be treated, so we get along quite well, and are able to joke with each other often..his birthday was last Saturday...anyway..he tried to help me before Pat got there..not to put my knee back, but to help me get more comfortable by trying to help me get my foot in a position where it wasn't putting preassure on my ankle because of the way that it was bent with my leg(my ankle is quite stiff right now) and it was pulling the muscles in my upper leg, causing more pain...
He was unable to get my foot to move, but he tried and felt so bad...
Another of the girls from the kitchen promptly took Tylenol from her purse and brought it to me so I would have something in me to help relieve the pain...The others kept askig if there was anything they could do for me...
So now you see why I am so lucky...I don't care that my knee went out, or that I am still in pain...I just feel really Lucky right now, and as you can see..with good reason.
Much love to you all.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


like Ter I dyed my hair, I did mine last Friday though...
Got to face it the bonde just really wasn't me...
Plus I was getting tired of looing at the roots.
So bye bye blondie.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Well I am still not sure what to write,but I figured I might as well let you all know that I'm ok, still kicking, still working, the knee is alright, and so is Pat...
Love you all.

Friday, October 20, 2006


Still don't know what to say, trying to get ready for Halloween and convince Pat to dress as something other thatn a hockey player, he is being a stick in the mud!
My costume for work is simply a goth.
Oh and right now it is snowing out and there is a little on the ground.
Lots of Love to you all.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Sometimes...well I just don't know....

I can sit here at the keyboard and wonder what it is that I should write...should it be about my day..fine..I worked..came home and made supper while Pat did the grocery shopping..He came home, we ate and did the dishes together. There that was my day.

But sometimes there is a burning to be able to say so much more and no way for it to come out...I think the last time that I was really able to express myself was the post that I made just before I moved, and the only reason I was able to was because I had taken some time to myself while waiting for my friends to try to say exactly what I felt and then I went through it at least three times to make sure that I had it right...But sometimes the words just won't come when the feelings are there.

I know that right now I am not making total sense, but I know that is alright too. I am sure those of you who know me, know me well enough that I have a tendancy to keep things to myself unless I need to help someone with something, and I know that those of you who know me well also know that I have a tendancy to keep alot of my feelings buried. It's just my way.

Right now...I have so much running through me and I just don't know how to express myself...I haven't been singing, I haven't been writing or drawing...and these are all excellent outlets for me to be expressive without being totally open...

So if I don't post for a couple of days or if my posts are a lot shorter than usual, don't worry I'm fine...I just need to take a little time and get my mind sorted out. I go through these phases, no big.

Love to you all.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

We are back

Well we almost didn't get to go play pool he wanted to stay in and watch the episode of Survivor, that we taped where we were both working, and order Pizza..I pointed out that he knew what I wanted to do and htat he we went to Rotten ronnie's and then we went to the officer's mess to play pool and also ended up playing darts...He enjoyed himself, and he agreed that it wouldbe good to go do that once in a while, though he prefers darts to pool, which is absolutely fine by me because I would rather go out and do that once in awhile than just sit at home..
We went to Edmdonton yesterday and managed to find the place without much of a problem...I had some more measurements so the brace will be made specifically for me, and when it is done it will be sent to the IDA here.
We then went to the West Edmonton Mall...DAMN
First we went to the IMAX to see Open Season in 3-D so I have now had both my first Imax and first 3-D experiences. The theatre wasn't so bad, there wasn't that many people in there..However the rest of the Mall, especially the Food Court where we had lunch was packed with more people than I could have hoped to count...Here in lies the problem, well my problem...I really don't like crowds, it's just way too much for me...the Halloween Party last year at the Red Knight was extrememly tense for me, and I ended up leaving that early with Chuck and Dave to go have coffee at the very dead Tim Horton's which wax so much less stressful for was all I could do not to freak out, Pat of course found this to be quite humorous...When we finally got out of there and back into the truck I started to relax, but then he had to go to the Wal-Mart to print off some pictures for his Uncle...I stayed in the truck!
We then went to visit his Uncle, and then hit the road back to Cold Lake, we stopped to get supper and gas up, and headed home, we got in and crashed.
We plan on going to see the next Harry Potter at the IMAX in the West Edmonton Mall...
I really want to go see it, but I am so not looking forward to the crowds!
Anyway I managed to buy a boxed set of all of the American Pie movies, and I got Mom her b-day present.
Take care, and lots of love to you all.

Friday, October 13, 2006

feeling better

You know sometimes all it takes to change someones bad mood around is a good hug or a smile....
I find alot of times at work I get the sourest looking customers, and not just because some of the counter girls try to make themselves look busy or try hiding in the kitchen so they won't' have to serve some of them, I rather enjoy taking care of some of these unhappy looking people, and the majority of the time when I am done serving them they have a smile on their face, especially when I am having one of my hyper moments.
Today I feel much better than I have been lately, the cold medicine that I was taking seems to have doen the trick.
Poor Pat on the other hand now has to deal with the unpleasantness of PMS..Poor man can't catch a break...
We are supposed to be going to play pool tonight, it is 6:50pm now and he still ahsn't budge from downstairs so I find myself wondering whether or not we are actually going to go..I really hope so as I have really been looking forward to it. It's the only thing, besides swimming that I have wanted to do since coming here...I miss playing alot, I may not be the best at it but it is somehting that I enjoy..
I really hope that we go...

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I've had a sinus Cold the past few days, and have found out that the Cold medication I picke dout really throws e through a loop but I sleep soooooooo well taking it...
I have to work from 5 until closing tonight..I might be able to get out earlier though...
Wil have to see what's getting cold out here..been wearing the winter coat...
I must rememeber to pick up some gloves though...
Pat said well I have gloves..I looked at him and held out my hand and said,"Big difference between my tiny hands and your ape like ones." He cna fold his fingers right over mine, I can hold onto one or tow of his fingers and my hand is full... get the point...
Take care all and talk to you soon, much love to all.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Well seeing as I have a few minutes while waiting for my taxi to arrive I figured I'd blog.
For those of you who haven't visited Mike's blog site and don't know, Bec has started a photo album online for Alex like Jen has done for Lexy, if you want the site address go to Mike's blog you can link off of Aunt Sue's blog to get there, it is password accesss to the photo album so you will have to e-mail Mike to get it, but there are some wonderful pictures on the site of Mike, Bec and Alex. He is growing up so quickly and looks so much like his Dad.
Things are going fine here, was only supposed to work until 4 yesterday but didn't clock out until 7:15, and hten stayed and helped off and on until almost 9:30.
Working again today, must call the place in Edmonton when I get home for my brace, Pat is working the next two nights so we are going to do something on Friday.
Love to you All.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Well if you are reading this then you clearly have surrvivied the ramifications of yet another Turkey Day...
And by that I mean, the usual stuffing of faces loosening of belts and the dreaded, and sometimes very potent, Turkey Fart.
Anyway just wanted to say hi to everyone, let you knwo that I did talk to Tymber this morning..she is ok but stressed...Mady is still growing like a bad weed and has a doctor's appointment on Friday.
Anyway..have a great day all..much love across the miles that seperate.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

It's Gonna Blowwwwwwwwwww!

Hey all, like alot of people we celebrated thanksgiving a day early. When I got up this mornign Pat had the Turkey all ready to go, I just had to season it and put a bit of water in the pan so he could cover it and put it in the oven...
But behold..He over stuffed the turkey and well it looks like it started to explode...seriously in order to get the dressing out it would have been just as easy to lift the top of the turkey up, which if he had of cut a couple pieces of skin would have been possible.*L*I told himn about an hour before I took it out of the oven what it looked like but he didn't believe me until he saw it and well he took pictures of it..
I say it looks like it gave birth...

And then after supper and a litle bit of straightening up in the kitchen we wer on web cam with his family...*sighs*
For some reason they are calling me Candy..
Pat is getting a really good laugh out of this one..Anywya they said they look forward to meeting me at Christams time...
All in all our first thanksgiving together was a good a few hours we will probably have a piece of pumpkin pie..
Anyway, my love to you all and have a happy turkey day
Candy, I mean Tammie*S*L* just kidding.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Housework done

Well I did the dishes, vaccumed and mopped the floor, I didn't get around to the laundry but it will still be there tommorow...Pat got the leaves raked and the plastic up on most of the windows...
The turkey is unthawing, supper has been had and dishes have been done again, I still feel blah but at least I accomplished something.
Knee is feelingbetter, still having some pain, but it is feeling better.
Take care all and have a good Turkey Day.
Lots of Love.

Autumn Leaves are Falling

Well I had a nice soak in the tub, ruined only by having to do the mandatory shaving of the legs....I tell myself as I start, "I hate this, I hate this I hate this!"
Went upstairs and put on some comfy clothes...and went about the other hated task...plucking of eyebrows..seriously why do we put ourselveds through this?'s a fairly decent day, Pat has set himself to raking the leaves and I know I have to set myself to doing laundry and the floors and what not..but I really can't seem to get the gusto up to do it...
So what do do instead..*S* well I plunk myself down here in front of my lap top and get absolutely nothing acomplished, with the acception of saying that I vented a little bit.
Oh well I go back to work on Tuesday..I've got plenty of time to relax, read my book, maybe do some of my Sudoku puzzles..and maybe convince Pat to take me to play pool...mahybe it will get me out of my blah state of mind.
Love to you All.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Good News

Well yesterday at lunch time Pat came home and informed me that we are going to Edmonton next weekend for the brace...I've got the time off from work for it,s o it's all good on that front...

Got up and got ready for work this morning, barley mobile, Pat asked how I was supposed to work, I told him to the best of my disability...And to the best of my disability it was,a s I was informed when they saw how I was moving at wok that there was no way that I would last through the lunch hour, and that they could tell that I was in pain...they wanted me to leave at 10am..I told them I wanted to try to last for a t least two they agreed and when 11:10am, I was informed that I was done.

So I sat down and had a chat with one of the customers and then hobbled down to the IDA to get the information that I needed from the pharmaist regarding where I have to go in Edmonton for the brace and of course a bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol.

I stgopped at Beantrees and got a Monkey's Lunch Flavored Latte(which is a drink that I used to get at the Red Knight, just minus the alcohol for the latte), and a bag of chocolate covered coffee beans and got a taxi from there home.

Had some lunch and one of the last pain killers that Dr. Mahdvani had given me before I left home(good for most pain), and trust me I was feeling no pain for awhile..slept*L*.

Pat had his dental surgery today and is feeling much better, mind you that side of his mouth is just a little bit swollen but other than that it's all good.

We watched Survivor tonight...Always enjoy that...I work tommorow night so that gives me time to rest my leg tommorow before I have to go and then I have 3 days off in a row, so my leg should be feeling much better by the time that I get back to work on Tuesday.

Take care, and much love to you all.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

High Pitched

Well hi there everyone, today's post is being typed from the couch where I slept last night and shall be staying today...
Yesterday started off well enough, but sure enough all good things come to an end...
Pat went to cadets last night coming home to find me sitting on the stairs...I ws heading up and didn't get very far when snap,crackle and POP goes the knee cap and down I go on the step striking the knee and twisting an ankle upon landing....I was smart to put an arm in front of my face the other hand though shot up instinctively to grab the railing on the venture down and, well Pat is going to repair the damage done there later.
when I managed to get mysel twisted around so I could sit my leg was tucked so far back....Well anyway Pat didn't have o bend my leg at all before jerking it out straight...He just wasn't expecting the high pitched scream that came out of me this time....
We had a good laugh about it, he put the Ice Gel on my knee, I called work while he made up the couch or me. He helped me to the couch and tucked me in...The sweety that he is...
He made me laugh and that made it so much easier...He was joking that he was going to cut down two of his smaller hockey sticks for crutches and use what he cut off to make the brace for my leg..the way he was going on I was laughing so hard that I couldn't see...
He brought me my lap top this morning before he left for work, that way I would have something to do. He'll be home at lunch and tonight we are supposed to be watching a movie together.
So it is going to be an unproductive, and boring day for me, both the book I am reading and mhy Sudoku puzzle book I got yesterday are upstairs in my room...Oh Well.
anyway..take care love to you all.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I know, I know

Yeah I know it's been a few days yet again, just been busy with stuff...mainly work, and then there was oing to Lac La Biche over the weekend..bought some new work shoes yesterday and got a haircut today...And that pretty much has it all caught up..
Love to you all sorry this is so short.