Thursday, August 17, 2006

Unsure of what to post....

Well it is 3:08pm and had I goe to work it would be another hour before I was done. It took me a good 10 inutes to get down the stairs this morning to call into work, I am very thankful that I have an understanding boss, and I am grateful.
I am going to see if Pat isn't too tired about going to get a knee brace tonight..if not I might see if my neighbor will take me tommorow..
Either way I am getting a brace..I can't keep doing this.
right now I am in my room, I am well stocked, I brought up some a couple bottles of water, a sleeve of ritz crackers a couple of DVD's and the portable phone in my computer bag when I came back up this morning...
I iced my knee, had to be resourceful though, I used frozen broccoli*L*..I put the deep cold gel on my leg twice and it is wrapped, I've had 3 extra strength Tylenol and a the pain is being managed...I guess it was good that I brought my laptop upstairs last night.
Pat called me a while ago to check to see if I am ok..He is so sweet..I really don't know what I did to deserve someone as god as him...
Anyway..I'm talking to Mom.. so take care and love you all, please don't worry..if nothing else, mom will tell youI'm resourceful.


Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

I always do Jen

3:51 PM  
Blogger Funnyface said...

Hello Honey,
I sure hope your feeling better soon. I know you've suffered a lot with that knee,
You deserve everything good in life. Your always thoughtfull,and a sweetheart.

Love you lots and lots

4:28 PM  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

thank you mom

4:30 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

And he deserves you-- he's getting a pretty good deal too, don't sell yourself short, I hope the knee brace helps- sounds painful!!!

4:36 PM  
Blogger Fireguy said...

Ouch - thinking of you and hoping that knee gets better.

7:42 PM  

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