Sunday, July 23, 2006


Alright, we all know who this wonderful young man in the picture is, his list of titles is long, cousin, brother, son,nephew, friend, confident, comedian, free thinker...You all get the idea.
While he had his share of problems we all know the guy that he was.
I was just directed tohis website by Tymber as she was quite upset about an entery in his guest book, so I went to check it out...
I apologize, but at least I used he abbreviation for my profanity.
I have to say I am completely appauled by this woman's comments..she said she read up on Chris and his family..well I'm sorry if this woman really knew anything about Chris or our family she would never have been so mean spirited.... Now I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views on things, but for the love of all that is above and beyond us has no one ever told this woman that if you cannot say anything nice you don't say anything at all...Her opinions are her own and valid to her, but when they are hurtful to other people, for the love of all that is holy keep them to yourself.
I know Chris is shaking his head right now, and probably laughing a little about how I am going on, but he knew what I am like and I also know that part of him is happy that I am not in full b!^ch mode... Sorry all but I needed to vent....
Morning, and talk to you all later.


Blogger Tymber said...

Well said Sis!!! I love that picture of him!

8:58 AM  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

me too, thank you

9:08 AM  
Blogger Tymber said...

Ok so the three of us are thoroughly pissed. I wish we could delete that entry because if it hurts Susan.... oh I'm boiling. The stupid thing left an e-mail address too, I wonder if its real.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Now you can make that five pissed ppl. I'm afraid that that comment will hurt Susan, and that will really make me mad.

9:24 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

I've been out of the loop on this one... Sorry people. Has the comment been deleted as I couldn't find it... If someone has copied it could they send me a copy.. I would like to join the army of the pissed!

Proud and Honoured Brother of Christopher Amon

6:42 PM  

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