Thursday, August 31, 2006


Actually I have been awake since before 2am and it is now 2:35am...I am soooooooo tired, I just want to sleep, but I am tired of just laying there looking at the wal or the ceiling, so I cazme downstairs for the facilities and heard the distant voice of the blog world calling to me.
Now I do not always do my best thinking when i am tired, and so please forgive my lack of creativity. At least Pat is sound asleep as the sound of his snoring would dictate to me...
He did get a good laugh out of this though, and though slightly embarassing I wil share this with you anyway, because even I see the ANAL humor in this.
You see I agreed with Pat that I should get some extra strenght gravol as it wil knock me out for a good eight hours if I take a couple of them. So after work we went to Wal-Mart and I went to the pharmacy to get some..I told the woman behind the counter what I wanted and what I wanted it for, she politely got them for me and bagged them before I coud actually see the package.
I was going to bleach my hair last night but decided it was going to take entirely too long, and as Pat decided to turn in early I decided I would take a couple of the 100mg gravol that I had purchased and follow suit. I removed the bag from my purse, drink in hand, fully prepared to take these things that I have so despised since I was a child, looked at the front of the package and put them back in the bag and with a sigh of severe distain went upstairs to bed.
Pat asked me if I had taken them and I replied with a no. Of course he wanted to know why it was if I had somethig that was going to help me sleep why it was I wouldn't take it. So I went into his roo and told him that tommorow after work we would need to make a return trip to Wal-Mart for an ex-change. "Why is that?" he aske me curiously. To which I responded, "Because hon, that dumb b!~@* gave me a supositories!" He thought it was funny not understanding the method of taking these until I added, "If you think I'm stickin' anything up there you got another thing coming!"
That did it, he finally caught on and proceeded laughing so hard that he couldn't breathe and his head started to hurt....Now I was laughing to mind you, but most of it was at him, this man I love so much...
I could only say, "Thank you hon."
Now you know the plight of the gravol that yah...I ain't that desperate to take!
Love to you all.
The tired one!


Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Yikes..good thing you looked at the package and didn't swallow them accidentally. And I don't blame you..I wouldn't use them either...sheesh!

11:11 AM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Don't blame you either---have you tried Nytol? Works for me, but the real worry is why aren't you sleeping????

2:27 PM  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

Well went and got some actual gravol..let's hope this works, as far as me not sleeping goes, I just go through spurts where I don't really sleep...the good news is I can still function with minimal sleep...

7:31 PM  
Blogger Funnyface said...

Now that's just funny... You should of gone back to the drug store, and asked the lady to please demonstrate how to use them

Love ya lots and lots Mom

9:56 AM  

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