Friday, November 03, 2006

Bed Rest

Alright, begrudgingly bed rest today is actually in my bed...Pat made sure I was warm and comfy before he left today, and since I brought my lap top upstairs last night I grabbed a couple of movies, my apple juice and cheesies(very important) and have settled in...I had a shower(which always feels good)and crawled back under the covers..I have watched the first movie, went down to re-stock my cheesies and take some more tylenol for my fever...I made the mistake of looking out the window... Three guesses as to what it is doing outside....
Give up yet?
Well if you guessed snowing you would be correct...
I am so happy to be under the blanket's right now...I am getting ready to watch my second movie...The Grinch that Stole Christmas...
so..I guess as they say...Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow.


Blogger Funnyface said...

It sounds like your feeling a little better...Was so nice to hear your voice last night, and Chelsea was tickled pink...

Guess what snow was also seen around here this afternoon.

Love you lots and lots Mom :))))

5:05 PM  

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