Thursday, November 02, 2006

Of Apple Juice and Cheesies

Alright, I know some of you are probably wondering what the heck is this about.

Well Mom already knows and can verify this...

when I was little, and sick like I am now, my Papa would always bring me apple juice and a big bag of Humty Dumpty Cheesies to make me feel better, and you know what? It always worked...So Now when I am sick I want what Papa always brought me...Apple juice to settle my stomache and Cheesies because I don't have to chew them(big to suck on them), and easy on the stomache. Tonight Pat had band, he came home with apple juice and cheesies for me...Thank you hun.


Blogger Funnyface said...

OH now that is just too sweet!!! Bless his heart,and thank him for taking such good care of you....

Yes when my children were sick, my Dad (there Papa), would always bring them this wonderful cure...

Feel better soon ...Love you lots and lots Mom

11:19 AM  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

except for Angie the drink was Canada Dry Ginger Ale and I think it was Allen's Grape Juice for Burt.

I will give Pat the message and I will try to..regardless of how I feel Saturday I will be at work.
Love you lots and Lots too Mom.

1:53 PM  

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