Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Hi all, well I did manage to get some sleep last night, mind you it wasn't until after 2 in the morning when I got back to sleep, but oh well nothing htat you can do about it...
I've been asked a couple of times when I am coming home, this is my response, I am home...
While Yarmouth will always be home, my home is also with Pat.
It is 9:36am and it is already 29 degrees outside....
thankfully it is only 22 degrees inside the house..well downstairs anyway...seriously at this point I am thinking about setting up a bed down in the basement.
Well I'mm off liek a herd of turtles, gonna make some cookies I think like teahound suggested yesterday,hey it will give me something to do right....Also pondering a tub full of bubbles...
Alter all have a good one.


Blogger NanNan said...

Who could be asking you when you're coming home---- you just got there----- give her a break--- good answer you gave Tammie- I remember how hard it was for michael to get used to the Australian heat- hang in there!!!

2:32 PM  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

ended up with a shower instead of the bubblebath hasn't arrived yet*pouts*
Made Choc.chip
I will

3:53 PM  

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