Saturday, July 08, 2006

One Week

Well one week since I've been out here.
So far so good.
Mom keeps asking me if I am happy, for anyone else who wants to know the answer is yes..
I am happier than I have been in a long time.
I know that mom worries about me being by myself so much, as I have said..I don't mind.
I enjoy having time to myself, even though I prefer something to keep me busy.
We were going to go to the movies today but unfortunately a friend of his has had ot come home early from being on course because his wife is in the hospital and Pat is going to go get him. I would rather him go and get him then go to the movie if it means that his friend would be stranded.
ANywya have a good day talk to you all soon.


Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

I know you will be..*S* I'm counting on it*S*H*

2:49 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Has it really been a week---- went by so fast--- as much as we all miss you, more than anything, we want only your happiness- and for you to be where you belong!!!! Pat sounds like a great guy, with a big heart--- like yours---

6:56 PM  

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