Thursday, October 12, 2006


I've had a sinus Cold the past few days, and have found out that the Cold medication I picke dout really throws e through a loop but I sleep soooooooo well taking it...
I have to work from 5 until closing tonight..I might be able to get out earlier though...
Wil have to see what's getting cold out here..been wearing the winter coat...
I must rememeber to pick up some gloves though...
Pat said well I have gloves..I looked at him and held out my hand and said,"Big difference between my tiny hands and your ape like ones." He cna fold his fingers right over mine, I can hold onto one or tow of his fingers and my hand is full... get the point...
Take care all and talk to you soon, much love to all.


Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

LCLJ-Ihate to say it but out of the three girls I am probably closest to Chantal...I called them yesterday...
You are right very good thing he loves me.

5:46 PM  

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