Saturday, October 07, 2006

Autumn Leaves are Falling

Well I had a nice soak in the tub, ruined only by having to do the mandatory shaving of the legs....I tell myself as I start, "I hate this, I hate this I hate this!"
Went upstairs and put on some comfy clothes...and went about the other hated task...plucking of eyebrows..seriously why do we put ourselveds through this?'s a fairly decent day, Pat has set himself to raking the leaves and I know I have to set myself to doing laundry and the floors and what not..but I really can't seem to get the gusto up to do it...
So what do do instead..*S* well I plunk myself down here in front of my lap top and get absolutely nothing acomplished, with the acception of saying that I vented a little bit.
Oh well I go back to work on Tuesday..I've got plenty of time to relax, read my book, maybe do some of my Sudoku puzzles..and maybe convince Pat to take me to play pool...mahybe it will get me out of my blah state of mind.
Love to you All.


Blogger NanNan said...

Can tell whose daughter you are, with all this housework talk !!!!!!!!!!! ;)

9:32 AM  

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