Sunday, July 09, 2006

It's a Lazy Sunday

Well, ain't nothin' special going on today, unless you want to count the laundry. I know that Chelsea goes to camp today, I know that she will enjoy herself.
I either have to start wearing my glasses or start taking a closer look at my watch when I get up in the mornign..I thought I had gotten up at 8:15am,nope, disappointing, but I was up and showered and had breakfast on the table this morning around 8am...
A good start to the day, too bad there really isn't much more for me to do.
we didn't get to the movies yesterday, and it looks like we are going to go today...I'm at the view point if we go we go, if we don't we don't...I was out cold when Pat got home last night, if I was snoring he didn't say anything..good man...Anyway, take care all.


Blogger NanNan said...

What movie is it? --Maybe you're not supposed to see it--- :) Lazy Sundays are good--- Chance to regroup---

12:07 PM  

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